ব্রিটবাংলা ডেস্ক : ব্রিটিশ রাণী দ্বিতীয় এলিজাবেথের জন্মদিনের সম্মাননা তালিকায় চলতি বছর যারা স্থান পেয়েছেন তাদের মধ্যে বেশির ভাগই রয়েছেন করোনা মহামারীতে সেবা প্রদানকারী প্রথমসারির এনএইচএস স্টাফ বা কেয়ার ওয়ার্কার, স্বেচ্ছাসেবী এবং ফান্ডরাইজার।
বিলেতের বিভিন্ন কমিউনিটির ১ হাজার ৪শ ৯৫ জন এবার সম্মাননা তালিকায় স্থান পেয়েছেন। খেতাব প্রাপ্তদের মধ্যে ১৩ শতাংশই বি-এ-এম-ই কমিউনিটির। আর সর্বমোট খেতাব প্রাপ্তদের মধ্যে ৭শ ৪০ জন নারী রয়েছেন ।
বাঙালী কমিউনিটির রাণীর জন্মদিনের খেতাবে ভুষিত হয়েছেন শতবর্ষী ফান্ডরাইজার দবিরুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী, তিনি ওবিই খেতাবে ভূষিত হন। চ্যানেল এসের সিনিয়র নিউজ প্রেজেন্টার সৈয়দ আফসার উদ্দিন। শিক্ষাখাতে সেবার স্বীকৃতি হিসেবে তাকে এমবিই খেতাবে ভুষিত করা হয়েছে। হসপিটালিটি এবং করোনায় স্বেচ্ছাসেবী হিসেবে এমবিই খেতাব পেয়েছেন বাংলাদেশ ক্যাটারার্স এসোসিয়েশনের সাবেক সেক্রেটারী ও সেলিব্রেটি শেফ ওলি খান। সেন্ট জোন্স এম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিসের ২০ বছরের স্বেচ্ছাসেবা, বিশেষ কোরে করোনাকালের সেবার স্বীকৃতি হিসেবে , এমবিই খেতাব পেয়েছেন এসেক্সেও আশরাফ উদ্দিন।
কমিউনিটি সেবার স্বীকৃতিতে এমবিই খেতাব পেয়েছেন ব্রিকলেন মসজিদের চেয়ার সাজ্জাদ মিয়া এবং ওবিই খেতাব পেয়েছেন ম্যানচেস্টার সিটি কাউন্সিলের কাউন্সিলর লুতফুর রহমান। লন্ডনের নিলিমা রহমান পেয়েছেন বিইএম খেতাব।
এদিকে মুসলিম কমিউনিটিতে বিশেষ প্রদানের স্বীকৃতি হিসেবে এমবিই খেতাবে ভূষিত হয়েছে আফগান বংশোদভূত গার্ডেন অব পিসের ডাইরেক্টর আহমেদ ওমর।
করনাকালীন সময়ে চ্যারিটি কার্যক্রমে অসামান্য ভূমিকা রাখায় রানীর দেওয়া ওনার অব ব্রিটিশ এম্পায়ার তথা ওবিই সম্মাননায় ভূষিত হয়েছেন ব্রিটিশ বাংলাদেশী কবি দবিরুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী। রামাদ্বানে রোজা রেখে নিজ গার্ডেনে হাঠার প্রত্যয় নিয়ে ফান্ড রেইজিং চ্যালেঞ্জ নিয়েছিলেন শতবর্ষী দবিরুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী। তার এই ব্যতিক্রমী উদ্যোগের কারনে ক্যাপ্টেন টম মুরের পর ব্রিটেনসহ পুরো বিশ্বে আলোচিত হন সকলের প্রিয় দবির চাচা।
চ্যানেল এস‘র রামাদ্বান ফ্যামিলি কমিটমেন্টে আরএফসিতে অংশ নিয়ে তিনি সংগ্রহ করেছেন প্রায় ৪ লাখ ২০ হাজার পাউন্ড। এসব অর্থ দেশের অসহায় মানুষের কল্যানে ব্যয় করা হয়েছে। এছাড়াও ব্রিটেনের এথনিক কমিউনিটির পক্ষে ন্যাশনাল হেলথ সার্বিস তথা এনএইচএস চ্যারিটিতে দান করা হয়েছে প্রায় ১ লাখ ১৬ হাজার পাউন্ড।
This year’s honours list has a particular focus on individuals recognised for their services during the COVID19 pandemic. These include 100-year old Mr Dabirul Islam Choudhury CBE who raised more than £420,000 by walking laps of his garden in East London during Ramadan under lockdown, as well as secondary school teacher Ashraf Uddin MBE who volunteered throughout the pandemic for his local St John’s Ambulance in Essex.
Also recognised were members of MCB affiliates including Mohamed Omer MBE of the Muslim Cemetery Gardens of Peace for services to the British Muslim community during Covid-19 and Nasir Ahmed Khan of Muslims in Rail for services to Muslim representation in the Rail Industry
The 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours award winners of Muslim background include:
- Zuber Vali Issa. Co-Founder, EG Group. For services to Business and charity (Blackburn, Lancashire)
- Mohsin Issa. Co-Founder EG Group. For services to Business and charity (Blackburn, Lancashire)
- Mohammed Khan, OBE. Leader, Blackburn with Darwen Council. For services to Local Government (Blackburn, Lancashire)
- Professor Sa’id Mosteshar. Director, London Institute of Space Policy and Law. For services to Space Law and Policy (Oxford, Oxfordshire)
- Farmida Bi. Chair, Norton Rose Fulbright (Europe, Middle East and Asia). For services to Law and charity (London, London)
- Dabirul Islam Choudhury. For charitable service during Covid-19 (London, London)
- Ali Ghorbangholi. Co-Founder and director of GoodSam. For services to Volunteering during the Covid-19 response (London, London)
- Abu Ahmed. Head, Local Delivery and Communications, Office for Security and Counter Terrorism, Home Office. For public service (London, London)
- Ayodele Idowu Awoyungbo. Senior Crown Prosecutor, International Unit, Crown Prosecution Service. For services to Law and Order (London, London)
- Yasmine Chinwala. Partner, New Financial, HM Treasury. For services to the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter (London, London)
- Ghulam Farid. For services to the community in Grangemouth during Covid-19 (Grangemouth, Stirling)
- Muhammad Naveed Idrees. Headteacher, Feversham Primary Academy, Bradford. For services to Education (Halifax, West Yorkshire)
- Vajid Mahmood. PPM Strategy and Implementation Lead, NHS England and NHS Improvement. For services to the NHS during Covid-19 (Bury, Greater Manchester)
- Ali Akbar Mohammed. Founder and Trustee, Ansar Finance. For services to Finance and charity (Manchester, Greater Manchester)
- Luthfur Rahman. Executive Member for Culture and Leisure, Manchester City Council. For services to Local Government (Manchester, Greater Manchester)
- Reza Rahnama. Director, Core Voice Services, BT. For services to Telecommunications during the Covid-19 response (London, London)
- Imran Rasul. Professor of Economics, University College London. For services to Social Sciences (London, London)
- Ahmereen Reza. Founder and Trustee, Developments in Literacy Trust, and director, Conservative Friends of Pakistan. For public and political service, and Interfaith Work (London, London)
- Farouq Rashid Sheikh. Founder, CareTech. For services to Specialist Social Care (London, London)
- Mohammed Nizam Uddin. Senior head, Mosaic, The Prince’s Trust. For services to Social Mobility and Community Integration (Barking, Essex)
- Sufina Ahmad. Director, John Ellerman Foundation. For charitable service particularly during Covid-19 (London, London)
- Hans Ahmed. Sessional Muslim Imam, Her Majesty’s Prison/Youth Offenders Institution Brinsford. For services to Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service during Covid-19 (Wednesbury, West Midlands)
- Zahid Hussain Bhatti. Managing Chaplain, Her Majesty’s Prison Wormwood Scrubs. For services to Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service during Covid-19. (London, London)
- Imran Rashid Davji. Human Resource Administrator, Asda Ltd. For services to the Covid-19 response (Batley, West Yorkshire)
- Mohamed Omer. For services to the British Muslim community during Covid-19 (London, London)
- Ashraf Uddin. For services to the St John Ambulance during the Covid-19 response (Chelmsford, Essex)
- Rashida Baig. Head of Service, London Borough of Croydon. For services to Child and Family Social Work and Race Equality (Slough, Berkshire)
- Islamuddin Chowdhary. Barrister. For services to the Legal Profession in London (London, London)
- Khadija Buke Coll. For services to Diversity and Equality in Scotland (Glasgow, Glasgow)
- Aurangzeb Farooq. Mentor, North West Regional Leadership Group, Mosaic. For services to Young People in Manchester (Manchester, Greater Manchester)
- Kadija Geroge (Sesay) Literary Activist, Editor and Publisher. For services to Publishing (Haywards Heath, West Sussex)
- Councillor Mohammed Iqbal. Member, Pendle Borough Council and Lancashire County Council. For services to Local Government in East Lancashire (Nelson, Lancashire)
- Farrah Khan. Head, Service Delivery, Children’s Services, Leeds City Council. For services to Children and Families (Wakefield, West Yorkshire)
- Nasir Ahmed Khan. Co-Founder, Muslims in Rail. For services to Muslim Representation in the Rail Industry (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)
- Oli Khan. For services to the Hospitality Industry and charity in the UK and Abroad particularly during Covid-19 (Luton, Bedfordshire)
- Dr Ibrar Mohammed Majid. For services to Healthcare and Community Development in Manchester (Stockport, Greater Manchester)
- Sajjad Miah. For services to the community in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (London, London)
- Mayameen Meftahi For services to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in Wales (Swansea, West Glamorgan)
- Asgher Mohammed. Managing director, Abbey Chemist, Paisley and Founder, Scottish Sadaqah Trust, Glasgow. For services to Pharmacy and charity (Glasgow, Lanarkshire)
- Nilima Rahman. Bank employee, Virgin Money. For services to the Financial Services sector and the community of South Shields during Covid-19. (South Shields, Tyne and Wear)
- Qaisra Shahraz, Founder, Curator and Executive Director, Muslim Arts and Culture Festival. For services to Gender Equality and Cultural Learning (Manchester, Greater Manchester)
- Mawlana Mohammed Tayyab Sidat. Founder, IMO Charity. For charitable services (Blackburn, Lancashire)
- Julie Siddiqi. Founder, Sadaqa Day. For services to Promoting Inter Faith Understanding (Slough, Berkshire)
- Syed Afsar Uddin. Teacher of Bengali, Oaklands Secondary School. For services to Education and the community in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (Ilford, Essex)
- Ayse Funda Veli, Diary Manager, Leader of HM Opposition. For political service (London, Greater London)
- Jamil Ahmed Malik. Consular manager, British Consulate General, Toronto, Canada. For services to British Nationals in Canada.
- Farhana Haque Proma. Pro-Consul, British High Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh. For services to British Nationals in Bangladesh.
- Ibrar Akram. Service Delivery manager, Transport for London. For service to Transport and the community in London during Covid-19 (London, London)
- Dr Mahaboob Basha. External Relations and Engagement manager, Energy Safety Research Institute, Swansea University. For services to the community in Sketty, Swansea during Covid-19 (Swansea, West Glamorgan)
- Ahmud Raza Domah. General manager, Hill House Care Home. For services to Social Care during Covid-19 (Watford, Hertfordshire)
- Hasnain Qamar Rashid Bhatti Khan. Medical Student Volunteer Co-ordinator. For services to Healthcare in South Yorkshire during Covid-19. (Nuneaton, Warwickshire)
- Mustafa Kemal Koksal. Supervisor, First Buses. For services to the community during Covid-19 (York, North Yorkshire)
- Mohammed Aziz. Chief inspector, Bedfordshire Police. For services to Policing and Diversity (Luton, Bedfordshire)
- Hera Hussain. Founder and chief executive Officer, Chayn. For services to charity (Manchester, Greater Manchester)
- Sufu Miah For services to the community in Oswestry, Shropshire (Oswestry, Shropshire)
- Kurshida Mirza. Volunteer Organiser, Great Get Together Iftar and Truby’s Garden Tea Room (Inter Faith Cafe). For services to Inter Faith and Community Cohesion in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)
- Farzaneh Saadat Manager, Cecil Court Residential Home. For services to Older People with Dementia (George Green, Buckinghamshire)
- Parveen Sajid For services to Vulnerable People in Lebanon and to the community in Glasgow (Glasgow, Glasgow)
- Shagufta Shamim. For services to the community in Grangemouth during Covid-19. (Grangemouth, Stirling)
- Faisal Tuddy. Superintendent Pharmacist, Asda Ltd. For services to the Pharmaceutical Sector during Covid-19. (Leeds, West Yorkshire)
- Sgt Mohammed Najib. West Midlands Police.
- Capt Hisham Bahjat Halawi. General List, Army Reserve.
- Other members of minority faith communities awarded this year includes 20 members of Hindu and Sikh communities (1 Knighthood 3 CBE, 2 OBE, 10 MBE, 4 BEM) and 17 members of the Jewish community (2 Knighthoods, 4 CBE, 5 OBE, 5 MBE, 1 OCH).