Aldgate East: My Neighbourhood exhibition  

Ansar Ahmed Ullah

Participants Dennis and Samirun

Aldgate East My Neighbourhoodexhibition presents a selection of photographs, writing and oral histories created by local people in Whitechapel, Aldgate and Spitalfields. They have produced this work as part of Aldgate East My Neighbourhood, a community arts project exploring people’s views and memories of their local area.

Local history and photography walks, talks and discussions were led by photographers, writers and historians. Participants took photographs using disposable cameras, responding to their local area, and documenting the changing face of this community.

This creative community project explores Aldgate East, Whitechapel and Spitalfields past and present. It is free and open to anyone who lives or works in the local area. In Spring 2019 the project will produce a short film based on participants’ work and offer practical filmmaking skills.

Aldgate East My Neighbourhood is led by Four Corners, Alternative Arts and Swadhinata Trust as part of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ Community Cohesion Pilot Programme. The exhibition is supported by Migrant Memory and the Postcolonial Imagination, a Leverhulme Trust research project at Loughborough University.

Aldgate East My Neighbourhoodexhibition was launched on 4 December at Idea Store Whitechapel and will remain till 30 December 2018.

Work on display are by Brick Lane photobooth images by Heather McDonough and Rod Morris, and photographs by Sarah Ainslie and David Hoffman.

The project is funded through Tower Hamlets Community Cohesion Pilot Programme, with partners Four Corners, Alternative Arts/Photomonth and Swadhinata Trust.
