Bzaman Babul:A candle night protest held in front of indian high commission.
KThe 13th july was a remember day for dead innocents kashmiri’s.
During last 30 years around 100,000 lives have been lost, young, old, men, women, muslims, hindus, sikhs alike. So, Kashmiri people gathered at Indian hi commission in Aldwich, London to stand up and show their solidarity with people of Kashmir. They alight 1000 candles for at least 100 minutes for 100,000 innocent victims.
The guests were among them Lord Qurban Hussain from Luton, profesor Shahid Iqbal, community activist Jafar Ahmad and others.
Lord Qurban Hussain from Luton,uk who is originally a Kashmiri… said about torture against kashmiri people,its a war crime doing by 7 Lakh indian army deployed there, men were forcibly caught/arrest from home or street and taken to army camp and brutally torture and their young girl were taken to army camp and raped tortured over there. The future of Kashmir’s fortune should let decide them according the united nation’s resolution.
Professor Shahid Iqbal, east London, chairman of Jammu kashmir welfare Alliance said in the occupied kashmir situations are very worst because of lack of food and shelter, life is very hard to the poor victim and vulbarables cause detouch from outside world no aid or charity can go easily there.