Flowering tributes to those who help brighten the borough


Individuals and organisations who help make the borough bright, green and beautiful have been recognised in this year’s Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards on Wednesday 12 December at the Arts Pavilion in Mile End Park.

The council launched the annual horticultural competition last spring in a bid to encourage more people to become interested in gardening, get planting and develop a greater appreciation and respect for the natural environment. It is part of a nationwide scheme, which has been running since 1971.

The popular contest rewards those who, through their creative horticultural efforts, help to make the borough a more colourful place in which to live, work and visit.

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets said: “With our wonderful parks, gardens and open spaces, it’s not surprising that our TowerHamlets in Bloom competition always proves so popular. With more than 100 entries, this year was no exception and I would like to congratulate all of the winners for helping to bring colour and beauty to our public and open spaces.”

Entries were received from across the borough, from community gardens, businesses, schools, and residents.

With the ever changing face of Tower Hamlets, Phil Fortey of Cressy House, Stepney, was recognised with a Lifetime Achievement award for makinggreat strides in improving and maintaining the horticultural standards within the housing development where he lives. Phil has contributed to making Cressy House a unique place to visit by encouraging all residents on his estate to make every effort no matter how big or small.

This is the first year that Tower Hamlets in Bloom has presented an Award of Excellence for Community Engagement and Participation. WinnersFriends of Meath Gardens were recognised for their hard work, time dedication and enthusiasm for the gardens in Bethnal Green. The friends have delivered public volunteering sessions, which have attracted record number of participants. The community group’s willingness to work in partnership with council officers and otherorganisations was highlighted.

Councillor Amina Ali, Cabinet Member for Culture, Arts and Brexit added: “I would like to thank everyone who planted, sowed and cultivated to enter the awards and help make our borough a green and attractive place for our residents and visitors to enjoy.”

press release