Former Brent Mayor raised over £50,000 for charities

Ansar Ahmed Ullah

The former Mayor of Brent, Cllr Parvez Ahmed, who raised £50,100 during the course of his year as Mayor presented his three chosen charities with cheques sharing the total raised at an event held on 14 September.

Cllr Ahmed, who was Mayor during 2016-17, raised money for the ‘Brent Centre for Young People’, ‘Sufra North West London’ and ‘Community Action on Dementia’. The Brent Centre for Young People provides help and support to young people with mental health issues, while Sufra is a community food bank & kitchen supporting disadvantaged families. Community Action on Dementia works with residents, local organisations and people living with dementia to create a dementia friendly borough.

The event was attended by representatives from Charities and guests including local MP Tulip Siddiq, Leader of Brent Council Cllr Mohammed Butt, Council’s Chief Executive Carolyn Dawns and other community dignitaries. The event was held in Mayor’s Parlour at the Brent Civic Centre.

