LB24TV team get together

Emdad Rahman:THE LB24TV team have enjoyed a get together to celebrate the start of the new year 2018.

Team members came together as part of a networking event to celebrate and also to promote the online media channel which is run entirely by volunteers.

There were short speeches from the presenters as well as a slide show providing a snapshot of mostly Bangla language shows.With a cross-platform channel offering a variety of news, views, community and sports shows LB24TV has blossomed into a hugely popular portal for its large number of viewers and subscribers.

The content at the station reporting is characterised by a high level of live viewing, with an array of guests and presenters participating in local, national and international discussions through which the popularity of the station has rocketed.

Presenters and guests at the get together included London Bangla Press Club President Nahas Pasha, Founder Chairman of Channel S TV Maahi Ferdous Jalil, Shah Yousuf, Managing Director Mizanur Rahman, Meghna Uddin, Shahin Khan, Jubaer Ahmed, Enam Chowdhury, Naufal Zamir, Ahad Choudhury Babu, Taysir Mahmud, Shamima Aktar, DinarHossain, KMAbu Taher Choudhury and Emdad Rahman.

Mizanur Rahman, Managing Director at LB24TV, said, “We celebrate the beginning of a new year with great optimism.Ours is a team of great unity and depth.I’m grateful for the presence of everyone here tonight.We are after all a team which has thrived on the support of our volunteers and are in a great position because of their massive efforts.”

Shah Yousuf added, “This is actually a team gathering to enable us all to meet, great and discuss how we can all move forward with great strides in 2018. A massive thank you to team members and viewers for such fantastic support.”

London Bangla Press Club President Nahas Pasha concluded, “It has been a pleasure to have been a guest at this event tonight.It really is pleasing that a community channel has made such great progress in terms of engaging with the community and viewers.I wish the team greater prosperity for the future.”

•The LB24 app is now available for viewers to enjoy shows at their leisure.
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